Ordering Process

There is currently no online shop for ordering CTC products and no trading partners yet. Therefore, please write

We will gladly send you the current price list by email.

Starter Sets

| Image | Article No. | Title | Short Description | |——-|————-|——-|——————|

Icon Starter-Set_Universal P2-01-116 Starter-Set_Universal 2x Locomotive Module PluX22 with IR Receiver, 2x Universal Turnout Module, 4x IR Balise

Locomotive Modules

We deliver a support capacitor with all locomotive modules. Please check the available installation space and let us know what size you need:

Support Capacitors

Capacity Diameter Length
2200 µF 12.5 mm 25 mm
1000 µF 10.5 mm 21 mm
470 µF 10.5 mm 12.5 mm
100 µF 5 mm 12 mm

| Image | Article No. | Title | Short Description | |——-|————-|——-|——————|

Note: The CTC Locomotive Module H0a is sold out and will no longer be offered.

Switching Modules

| Image | Article No. | Title | Short Description | |——-|————-|——-|——————|

Sensor Technology (Balises, NFC, …)

| Image | Article No. | Title | Short Description | |——-|————-|——-|——————|


| Image | Article No. | Title | Short Description | |——-|————-|——-|——————|