Common Properties of All CTC Switching Modules

Property Description
Input Voltage approx. 9 V to 24 V DC, digital current - (AC only with supporting capacitor)
Interfaces CTC-IR-balise

Overview of CTC Switching Modules (from 40,- EUR)

For switching turnouts, signals, lights, etc., there are the following CTC modules:

CTC Turnout Module Optimized for Dimensions Switching Outputs Servos Sensor Inputs IR Balises Total Current Max
CTC Turnout Module Magnet articles, Märklin C-track 68 x 26 mm 4x 0.5 A Lowside - - 2 2 A
CTC Turnout Module-G Garden railway, Motor drive 53 x 31 mm 4x 2 A Half-bridge 2 4 2 3 A
CTC Multi I/O Board Magnet articles, Servos 74 x 46 mm 8x 0.5 A Lowside 2 4 2 2 A


  • Operating the CTC modules on alternating current (AC) or unfiltered direct current without an additional capacitor will cause irreparable damage to the CTC module.
  • Switching outputs are differentiated by whether they switch ground or minus (LowSide) or the positive pole (HighSide). Especially with LED boards, there is often a common line for one pole. Then it is important whether the switching outputs of the module are executed as High- or LowSide.
  • A half-bridge can switch between the positive and negative poles, but is never off. Especially so-called magnet articles (e.g., classic turnout drive) can be permanently damaged if the half-bridge is incorrectly configured and should therefore not be connected to a half-bridge.
  • An additional power supply module is needed for servos.

Installation Guides


For the CTC turnout module, there are the following installation guides:

Guides for the CTC Turnout Module-G:



A turntable can also be connected to the CTC Turnout Module-G, see Connecting Fleischmann turntable