One and a half years of market presence, experiences with the first CTC customers, and many conversations with interested parties have flowed into this major overhaul of the CTC software!

The innovations at a glance:

  • Significantly simplified and at the same time more powerful configuration.
  • Cross-module linking of sensors and actions.
  • Full integration of DCC decoders.


Especially for beginners, we have come up with something: The CTC app includes a product catalog that we constantly expand.

CTC v3 Config-Dialog

Now, for example, if you want to connect a turnout to a CTC multi-I/O board, simply open the product catalog, choose the appropriate turnout and the connections, and you can already switch the turnout!

CTC v3 Config-Dialog

If that’s not enough, you can now customize the configuration of your CTC modules down to the smallest detail. See also the next section “Automation”.

CTC v3 Config-Dialog


You can now create any links between sensors and actions. For a first impression, here are some examples from the almost endless spectrum of possibilities:

  • Switching a turnout when another turnout is switched.
  • Setting a signal to red when a trigger track is overrun.
  • Playing an announcement when a specific train enters a station (triggered by the locomotive when it passes an IR balise).
  • Triggering the horn of a locomotive when it approaches a tunnel (command from the IR balise).

We are excited to see what ideas you come up with when you explore CTC Version 3 – write to us!

Integration of DCC

Especially to continue using beloved sound decoders, we were repeatedly asked to provide a solution.

From now on, all CTC locomotive modules can generate a DCC signal through their motor output. The CTC module behaves like a mini-command station that you can install between the track and the DCC decoder. The only drawback: there should be enough space in the locomotive for both the CTC module and the DCC decoder.

Our CTC locomotive module H0d even has a separate connection for DCC. This allows the motor to be controlled via CTC while simultaneously addressing the DCC decoder.

DCC turnouts or other DCC decoders can also be controlled using the locomotive modules.

Do It Yourself

The internal structure of the CTC firmware has also been significantly simplified. Anyone who dares to program with Arduino can now realize all that CTC (yet) cannot and control it with the CTC app.

We are curious to see what can come about here. And we support you with your projects.