Editing Track Plan

To create a track plan, first choose a CTC-Turnout-Module or CTC-Multi-I/O-Board on which the track plan should be saved. Open its config dialogue:

Edit switchbox

There, select Change track plan. The following dialogue box will open:


Click on the New Track Plan button to create a new track plan. Ensure the names are distinct.


Afterward, a grid appears, into which the track symbols can be inserted. To do this, select the track symbol in the left symbol column and the orientation in the right one. Then, place the track symbol on the track plan by clicking on the desired position in the grid.

The size of the grid can be adjusted using the buttons to the right of Rows and Columns.


Now all you have to do is assign a turnout. To do this, click on the action group on the top left “SingalTower”, then select the desired turnout on the bottom left.


The pen-symbol ctc-app-doku-icon is automatically selected. If the turnout is already assigned, its position in the track plan will be outlined in orange.

Now click on the desired position in the track image and the turnout will be assigned. You will know this has worked by the orange frame in the track image and the fact that the turnout now displays its current position in blue.

To find out where a turnout in the list is located in the track plan, click on the turnout in the list: The corresponding turnout symbol in the grid will be outlined in orange:
