The locomotive BR212-FW is used for shuttle train operations. The locomotive BR365 is not needed and will be removed from the layout.

The scenario used here for automated train operation is as follows:

  1. The train with the locomotive BR212-FW is at the station in Block D2,
  2. BR212-FW starts counterclockwise, Track diagram for starter kit model railway extended 1
  3. runs a counterclockwise lap and enters the station in Block D1,
  4. slows down from balise D12 and
  5. comes to a stop at balise D11.
  6. The train waits for a specified pause time at the station in Block D1 at balise D11.
  7. After the pause time expires, BR212-FW starts clockwise, Track diagram for starter kit model railway extended 1
  8. runs a clockwise lap and enters the station in Block D2,
  9. slows down from balise D21 and
  10. comes to a stop at balise D22.
  11. The train waits for a specified pause time (not the same as the pause time for Block D1) at the station in Block D2 at balise D22.
  12. After the pause time expires, BR212-FW starts counterclockwise again.

This operating cycle repeats itself.

The following prerequisites must be met for automated operation with a locomotive in this scenario, and the following information is provided:

  1. The track plan is complete, and the balises are connected to the modules in the turnouts.
  2. The stop time for BR212-FW at the station in Block D2 should be 5 seconds.
  3. The turnout Demo_W_Links is set so that BR212-FW runs a counterclockwise lap and enters the station Block D1.
  4. The turnout Demo_W_Rechts is set so that BR212-FW runs a clockwise lap and enters the station Block D2.
  5. The signals Demo-S-D2-li and Demo-S-D1-re are not used.
  6. BR212-FW is used for automated train operation, BR365 is not part of the operation.
  7. The distance from balise D21 to balise D22 in the current setup is 43 cm. For the command that will later be sent from D21 to BR212-FW, a slightly shorter distance (35 cm) is set, to ensure the locomotive reaches its minimum speed by the time it arrives at balise D22.
  8. The distance from balise D12 to balise D11 in the current setup is 43 cm. For the command that will later be sent from D12 to BR212-FW, a slightly shorter distance (35 cm) is set, to ensure the locomotive reaches its minimum speed by the time it arrives at balise D11.

Locomotive Halt, Locomotive Stop, and Locomotive Reverse:

The following terms Halt, Stop, and Reverse will be used as follows, based on commands from the balise:

  • With Halt, an unconditional and time-unlimited stop of the locomotive is indicated. As long as a locomotive receives Halt from a balise, it does not start.
  • With Stop, an unconditional but temporarily limited stop communicated in the command is indicated. After the wait time included in the Stop command expires, the locomotive continues in the same direction.
  • With Reverse, an unconditional but temporarily limited stop communicated in the command is indicated. After the wait time included in the Stop command expires, the locomotive continues in the opposite direction. This corresponds to shuttle train operations.

The description of the commands that can be sent from a balise to a locomotive can be found in the user manual of the CTC-App in the chapter Config - Edit Script (section “Commands for Locomotives / Signals”). These commands will be used later during configuration.

Further description will follow shortly.